Benefits of Organic clothing
1. Organic Feels Good
Organic products are exempted from harmful dyes, resins & formaldehyde.
Organic clothing, especially cotton, made without these potential allergens and irritants may feel better to the skin.
2. No Harmful Chemicals
No harmful chemicals are sprayed on organic cotton crops.
This means there are fewer chemical pollutants in the air we breathe.
3. Your Children Are Not Exposed to Toxins
A report by the United States Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry indicates that children exposed to methyl parathion, an insecticide, suffer memory loss and emotional swings
4. Labor Concerns
The 2010 version of the global organic textile standard requires not only safe, humane working conditions, including regular employment, Fair wages and working hours, but specifies the employs cannot be underage or forced labor, and that they have collective bargaining rights
5. Safer for Kids
When you buy organic clothing for your children they don’t absorb chemical residue into their skin. Children's skin is more porous and sensitive than an adults.
6. Fewer Allergic Reactions
Many people suffer from rashes and other skin conditions. Much of the problem is the clothing they wear. Harsh chemicals including formaldehyde and ammonia are used to treat cotton and cotton fabrics. Organic clothing doesn’t contain the harmful chemicals or dyes that can irritate skin.
7. Avoid Formaldehyde
Reducing exposure to probable carcinogens is big deal for me. Many items of cotton clothing are treated with formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is used to help make owning your clothing easier. It helps prevent significant wrinkling and helps extend the life of the clothing. (It’s the same reason they use it for embalming. The tissue lasts longer.) However formaldehyde is classified as a probable human carcinogen.
8 .Wearing non-organic clothing then exposes you to a probable cause of cancer
Many pesticides and herbicides have been shown to cause:
Immune System Suppression
Nervous System Disorders
Reproductive Damage
Hormone Disruption
You don't experience these same risks when you buy and wear organic clothing.
9. Avoid Harmful Heavy Metals
Ammonia, petroleum products and even heavy metals are used during the clothing creation process. Heavy metals have been shown to cause cancer, nerve damage and death. When non- organic clothing is treated with these chemicals they end up in your ground water, air and soil. They also end up on your skin. Organic clothing reduces your exposure to these chemicals.
10. Organic Feels Good
Organic products are exempted from harmful dyes, resins & formaldehyde.
Organic clothing especially cotton, made without these potential allergens and irritants may feel better to the skin